Saturday, January 10, 2009

On the road again

I begin this post far too early in the Tampa airport. I had to get up at 3am to get here on time so please bear with me if this post is fragmented. It is only a very rare occasion that I am up before the sun rises, or even shortly after it rises. I am NOT a morning person. I never really have been either. My sister used to have to fight and fight to get me up for school. Poor monkey calls me the grizzly in the morning. All of my coworkers know just to leave me be until I am fully awake. I wish it was the sort of thing I could fix. I can wake up and know that I am in a foul mood, but there isn't a thing I can do about it. I try to just keep my mouth clamped until I know I won't bite someone's head off. What exactly determines if you are a morning person or a night owl? Is it some sort of engrained genetic thing? Everyone I know in my family has no issues with the AM They can get up, make breakfast, spend 45 minutes getting ready, and all the while be sweet as pie. I, on the other hand wait until the very last second before I have to get up, throw on my clothes which I laid out the night before so that I did not have to waste time picking things out, and fly out the door. No breakfast, no coffee, just me, and my stinky attitude. Hopefully once I get on this stinking plane, I can cuddle up in my window seat, watch Juno, and take a nice nap. That is doubtful though......


Holly said...

I haven't quite figured out what type of person I am yet. I can get up early and I enjoy mornings, but I can also stay up late and I enjoy nights.

I hope your travels go well.

Liz Harrell said...

Hope your trip got better... hope you're having fun with fam.